Here Why Expats Are Moving to Russia

Russians Uphold Christian Values Now naysayers might say, “What does this got to do with Christian Identity?” A lot! Is not CI for preserving Christian values? And, it’s much easier to preserver Christian values if you live in a country that does not marginalise and hate Christians. There are other topics that should be of […]

Hypocrisy of the West

The enemy is not supposed to believe their media, but we are expected to believe ours. The media, our government, and our educational system all want us to accept what we are told without challenging it. They will call you all sorts of derogatory things and may even refer to you as a terrorist or […]

Stew Peters Tells It Like It Is

Stew Peters Talks About the Invaders Jon Stewart changed his name to Liebowitz. I think the reason for the change is that, historically, Jews had changed their name, when they were in entertainment, for example, to an Anglo-Saxon name to hide their identity; so people don’t who is really behind the degeneracy. So, Jon’s real […]

Tucker Carlson Talks About the Vax

Estimated 17 Million People Died As a Result of the Vax I wouldn’t be surprised that it’s higher. One thing for sure is, that people are still dying from it. Example, there is a huge increase in different types of cancer.

How They Plan to Dispose of Us

How They Plan to Dispose of Us People who are made homeless, such as those on Maui, and where they will house them. These buildings are going up all over the world. The government can house you and dispose of you at will. Listen to a secret recording. Part of the evil people are the […]

The Protocols of Zion Is in Force

Latest Update of Protocols of Zion Listen to this update of what is happening. Listen to what is being said and compare this to what is happening. Click Here  

Delayed Truth: What the Government Is Doing

Dr Shiva Expose When you know the truth, it should be exposed at the time it happens! This blog, Bible Truths Ministries, is also about truth in general and this is one of them. Listen to the expose by Dr Shiva that most Truth-Seekers don’t know about. One comment on what Shiva said when he […]

Self-Defence: What Everyone Should Know

Self-Defence: What Everyone Should Know I don’t know if this woman is a Christian but everyone – especially women – should know how to defend themselves. If you don’t know how to defend yourself, you can find good videos online on how to do it. Christians are to defend themselves, too. Those who say otherwise […]