Student Loan Cancellation

The Only Good Thing that Joe Biden Did   Click Here for the article.   Here is an article that I found on Zero Hedge website. This site has many good articles. So, I do recommend going there. But there is one article that was put just recently that is really disappointing and off the […]

Idaho Shuts Down Farmers

Full-Blown Communism Planned New regulation will put farmers out of business in Idaho. This means no food for the people. People wonder why politicians are doing this. The plan is, that it’s the handlers (people who really run the country) are telling politicians what laws to have. The aim is to turn the country into […]

Heirs of the Promise Documentary

Identifying Who the Ancient Israelites Are Today Weekly Sermon, 9 June 2024 Produced by the late Pastor Sheldon Emry Why is it vitally important to know who the tribes of ancient Israel is today. God’s covenants were made to a specific people. The “lost tribe of Israel” is found! Click Here    

D-Day Hoopla Propaganda

D-Day lies

Lies Behind D-Day Landing in World War II As you know, 6th of June, 2024 is the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landing. Of course, there is a lot that historians and the media are not telling you. They did not tell you of the deaths that occurred to troops as they practiced the landing […]

King of Kings Film

The Story of Jesus Christ Weekly Sermon, 2 June 2024 By Cecil B. DeMille Cecil B. DeMille, if you recall, he made the film The Klansman, based on Thomas Dixon’s book. In that film he told the truth about the Ku Klux Klan. Here is a classic film of Jesus of Nazareth, made in 1927. […]

Will There be War in America?

There Will be War in America Even Blacks Are Fed Up with the Invaders After listening to this, you will know that it’s not just the invaders that are your enemy, but the government and the apparatchiks, too.

Big Name Stores Closing in NYC

The Stealing Continues Down to Washington DC That’s what the big stores get when they moved out of Moscow! They don’t have that problem in Russia. Maybe some of them opened up under a Russian front so they can continue to do business where it’s civilized. We have taught a whole generation that stealing is […]