Is This a Psyops of a Psyops?

Check Out Donald Trump’s Ear In the recent attempt of the shooting of Donald Trump, watch this video where Alexander talks about Trump’s ear. We have all seen the picture. Now, if the bullet hit his scalp, it would also tear through the ear but you see his ear is still fully intact! The fact […]

The Marks of Israel

Who Are the Descendants of Israel Today? Weekly Sermon, 7 July 2024 By Pastor Sheldon Emry  

Hoaxacaust Discussion

Discussing the Holocaust Germar Rudolf discusses the holocaust lies to a revisionist conference. This is very interesting as Germar shows a chart that you can show to those who question you about the numbers. Also, check out two these two websites. On one you can download free about 50 books by scholars on the holocaust. […]

Many Americans Are Clueless Why We Celebrate Independence Day

Mark Dice

Many Americans Are Clueless Why We Celebrate Independence Day One indication many Americans are clueless is that they all refer to the holiday as “the 4th” or “July 4th” and not Independence Day. Sad to say, there is nothing to celebrate because we have lost our freedom many, many years ago. Since people think that […]

The Practices and the People Who Destroys Christian Nations

Pastor Dave Barley

The Practices and the People Who Destroys Christian Nations By Pastor Dave Barley Dave Barley talks about the stranger in the land eating up our substance, the anti-White hatred that is happening, the “holocaust” and other subjects.

Church and State

Pastor Reid

What Happens When Kings Commit Sin Weekly Sermon, 30 June 2024 By Pastor Reid of America’s Promise Ministries Should there be a separation of church and state?  

Do Not Fear the Future

fearing the future

Who Do You Put Your Trust in God or Man? Man Has No Power Unless it Was Given to Him From Above by Pastor Sheldon Emry A biblical sermon for our times. Rebuke your leaders as Christ did to the Governor of Judea.

Using AI in Bible Research

Bible and AI

Bible Research and AI I use AI to find a Bible verse when I don’t remember the book and verse(s). I type in the essence of what it says and it comes up with the location. Sometimes there is more than one reference is the Bible has it. So, this is good in this regard […]