Total Warfare

Total Warfare Summary Today, I’m exploring the complexities of mercy and warfare, specifically in the context of Psalm 18. I’m looking at verses 37-50, which describe David’s dominion, a dominion I believe is a picture of the dominion of Jesus Christ. Though I read all those verses, I’m going to lay down some principles before […]

Lord Teach Us to Fight

Lord Teach Us to Fight Summary   Today’s message is based on Psalm 18:34, where David says, “He teaches my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken in my arms.” I’m calling this message, “Lord, Teach Us to Fight”. First, I reviewed Psalm 18, noting David’s determination to love the Lord, […]

America Will Not be Great Again Until

Donald Trump and America’s Golden Age Recently you’ve heard Donald Trump say that he will make America’s golden age or words to that affect. I say really? Think about it, as a Bible believing Christian, it takes Jesus Christ to make America great – or any nation for that matter. It takes following the laws, […]

Nehemiah: Man of Vision

Nehemiah: Man of Vision Main Theme: Taking Dominion: A call to action for Christians to actively participate in establishing God’s will on earth, rather than passively waiting for divine intervention.   Key Ideas and Facts:   The Responsibility of Dominion:   Christians are tasked with actively establishing God’s kingdom on earth. The speaker uses the […]

Do Not Fear the Future

Man Has No Power Unless it Was Given to Him From Above A biblical sermon for our times. Rebuke your leaders as Christ did to the Governor of Judea.   

Can These Bones Live?

Reviving the Dry Bones: A Prophetic Vision of Spiritual Renewal by Pastor/Dr Wesley Swift “Can These Bones Live?” by Dr. Wesley A. Swift do not directly cite specific verses from the Bible. However, the content of the quotes reflects themes and concepts found in various biblical passages. Here are some relevant verses that align with […]

As in the Days of Noah

The Push for Equality By Pastor Wesley Swift This sermon was given in 1962 during the Administration of John Kennedy. Swifts talks about how there is a push for equality; that the America Bar Association talked about “that all people are created equal” referring to the Declaration of Independence. When that was written it was […]

Where Is The Kingdom We Are To Inherit

God’s Kingdom: In Heaven or on Earth? Most Christians are taught that when Christ returns, we will be whisked up to Heaven – that only the ungodly will be here. Listen to this sermon by Sheldon Emry to find out. You’ll also learn what will happen to those who are of Edom. And, at the […]

More on Race Mixing

Would Jesus Christ Condone Race-Mixing? A Question for Every Christian by Pastor Dave Barley   What a question? No doubt many Christians would he surprised by such an inquiry. However, the question is not irrelevant at all, but is very much to the point. You see all “Christians” claim to love and obey Jesus Christ, […]

Bible Against Race-Mixing

Scriptures Showing Race Mixing as Evil Source   YHVH’s way is kind after kind: Genesis 1:11‑12: “And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth […]