The Diabolical Reason Behind Name Changes

Calling Good Evil and Evil Good Both the terms “right” and “wrong” must have a defined meaning. If “truth” is to “set us free,” it must be impartial (John 8:32). Word meanings need to be constant and unchanging. Reason and honesty should guide our statements rather than personal whimsy, emotional inclinations, or serendipity sparked by […]

Why America Was Great Many Years Ago

Our Morals Were Just the Opposite of What They Are Now If you take America 150 years ago, we were considered a great nation. They had peace, health, prosperity, a large middle class, safety in the streets plus much, much more.

Faithfulness in Adversity: Stories of Manasseh, Hezekiah, and Jeremiah

From Wickedness to Worship: The Transformative Journeys of Manasseh, Hezekiah, and Jeremiah Weekly Sermon, 3 March 2024 By Pastor Don Elmore In this sermon file, we explore the story of Manasseh and his father Hezekiah from the book of 2 Kings. It highlights the importance of following God’s commandments and the consequences of disobedience. Summary […]

Martin Luther King Jr.

His Dream Our Nightmare There are many people who call themselves truth-seekers who think that Martin Luther King Jr. was a great man for the Negros. They praise him as much as the government. Which is strange because they know that it lies on everything.  There are some Christian patriots, and I hope not many, […]

Here Why Expats Are Moving to Russia

Russians Uphold Christian Values Now naysayers might say, “What does this got to do with Christian Identity?” A lot! Is not CI for preserving Christian values? And, it’s much easier to preserver Christian values if you live in a country that does not marginalise and hate Christians. There are other topics that should be of […]

The Blasphemy of Abolitionism Exposed

The Reasons Why Christians in the South Kept Slaves Many Christians today and that includes, unfortunately, those who call themselves truth-seekers, act as if holding a slave is the worst sin you can have. Naturally, the non-Christian government, media and educational system we have say the same thing. Here is a book written in 1850 […]