Have the Christians Been Wrong Throughout the Centuries and the Edomites Right?
History of the Expulsion of the Edomites
Why America Was Great Many Years Ago
Our Morals Were Just the Opposite of What They Are Now If you take America 150 years ago, we were considered a great nation. They had peace, health, prosperity, a large middle class, safety in the streets plus much, much more.
Terms and Policy: Breaking National Laws
The Real Reason Why People are De-platformed
Faithfulness in Adversity: Stories of Manasseh, Hezekiah, and Jeremiah
From Wickedness to Worship: The Transformative Journeys of Manasseh, Hezekiah, and Jeremiah Weekly Sermon, 3 March 2024 By Pastor Don Elmore In this sermon file, we explore the story of Manasseh and his father Hezekiah from the book of 2 Kings. It highlights the importance of following God’s commandments and the consequences of disobedience. Summary […]
What You Can’t Say
All About Political Correctness
Martin Luther King Jr.
His Dream Our Nightmare There are many people who call themselves truth-seekers who think that Martin Luther King Jr. was a great man for the Negros. They praise him as much as the government. Which is strange because they know that it lies on everything. There are some Christian patriots, and I hope not many, […]
Here Why Expats Are Moving to Russia
Russians Uphold Christian Values Now naysayers might say, “What does this got to do with Christian Identity?” A lot! Is not CI for preserving Christian values? And, it’s much easier to preserver Christian values if you live in a country that does not marginalise and hate Christians. There are other topics that should be of […]
The Blasphemy of Abolitionism Exposed
The Reasons Why Christians in the South Kept Slaves Many Christians today and that includes, unfortunately, those who call themselves truth-seekers, act as if holding a slave is the worst sin you can have. Naturally, the non-Christian government, media and educational system we have say the same thing. Here is a book written in 1850 […]
Hypocrisy of the West
The enemy is not supposed to believe their media, but we are expected to believe ours. The media, our government, and our educational system all want us to accept what we are told without challenging it. They will call you all sorts of derogatory things and may even refer to you as a terrorist or […]
The Bible is Not a Jewish Book
The Bible is Not a Jewish Book The statement is commonly made, even by those who should know better, that we Christians owe a debt to the Jews, for we got our Bible and our religion from them. While many people have been deceived into believing this, it is completely false. Part of the mistake […]