Calling Good Evil and Evil Good

Both the terms “right” and “wrong” must have a defined meaning. If “truth” is to “set us free,” it must be impartial (John 8:32). Word meanings need to be constant and unchanging.

Reason and honesty should guide our statements rather than personal whimsy, emotional inclinations, or serendipity sparked by someone’s momentary mood. Without common meanings, words lose all of their meaning and people are unable to understand one another’s thoughts or conversations.

This poses a serious issue in contemporary former Christian countries. People are generally becoming less able to communicate or understand what is being said these days. For instance, in America, the ideas of “right” and “wrong,” “good” and “bad,” and “male” and “female” have become obsolete. The capacity to know anything with certainty is eroding in today’s civilization.

We are losing not just our language but also our brains and capacity for any kind of reasoning. This phenomena is a mirror of a moment in the past, thousands of years ago, when humans attempted to construct The Tower of Babel, a centre of power. But in this case, the idea works in a slightly different way. In Babylon, God confused the words to destroy the power of man; now, it is the men who are confusing language. We can observe the significance of word definitions in both cases, as well as the potential for misunderstanding when terms are altered or misused.

Professors and philosophers are confusing the meanings of words today, teaching Americans that there are no universal definitions for words. Postmodernism is a contemporary philosophical movement that holds that words may mean anything you want them to, just like Humpty Dumpty in Lewis Carroll’s bizarre 1865 novel Alice in Wonderland. Humpty Dumpty states in this book that a word signifies “just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less” when he uses it. His use of language was devoid of any normative or coherent interpretation.

Thus, this is the present day. A complete societal collapse of intellect and connection results from words having whatever meaning you choose them to have—a disconnection from reality. Any generation that experiences such a catastrophic loss regresses to prehistoric times. It is no longer possible to learn. That generation can no longer access the truth.

This very issue is discussed in the book of Revelation, where it is predicted that “Babylon the Great,” a confusing system modelled after the previous Tower of Babel, will rule the globe, including our own.

The Tower of Babel is mentioned in Genesis 11:1–9. A few conventional politicians and wealthy elites established a global communication hub via which they ruled the world. The fact that it was referred to as a tower conjures images of contemporary broadcast or telecom towers.

Mankind’s desire to dominate the people through communication control was symbolised by the Tower of Babel. They had tremendous mental influence over individuals thanks to linguistic indoctrination and propaganda.

God confused their speech to halt them. It is clear from this that controlling language, or definitions, is equivalent to controlling people’s thoughts. God prevented their ability to control people by confusing their words and their meanings, as their intention was to utilise their power over language to enslave and oppress the masses. As a result, the politicians and mediacrats of that era were hampered by the muddled terminology. Their strength was lost.

This anecdote demonstrates how men cannot communicate if there is not a reliable and uniform standard for word meanings. Our society is overflowing with confused terms these days. American culture is being severely damaged by the distortion of its meanings. The intellectual capacity and problem-solving skills of Americans are currently drastically declining. Americans have lost the ability to distinguish between good and wrong and to discriminate.

Let’s examine the word “discrimination,” for example. This word is excellent. a word of encouragement. However, this term is becoming derogatory in contemporary American society.

In the past, it was considered a praise when someone was informed they had a “discriminating” intellect. It implied he possessed a divine intellect capable of distinguishing between error and truth. However, this phrase has taken on a new meaning in the modern world. Nowadays, discrimination is viewed by most as an insulting term that suggests animosity and may result in an arrest or legal action.

What then has transpired? And what does this overused and misinterpreted phrase actually mean?

DISCRIMINATION: The capacity or aptitude to distinguish between subtle differences; discernment. The process of drawing differences; the act of noticing or noting a difference; the comprehension and identification of the contrasts between things, as in “discrimination between right and wrong.”

That doesn’t seem all that horrible, does it? What then has transpired to turn a once-beautiful praise into a contemporary derogatory slur?

Changes are being made to words. The contemporary mentality that is consuming American culture has rendered words meaningless. The postmodernist philosophical movement is the one influencing American thought, and it has fundamentally altered the character of life and reason in this nation. Essentially. In America, postmodernism has obliterated sincere knowledge and wisdom. It has also changed how people utilise the English language itself in the process. Words are being used for self-aggrandizement rather than for knowledge and wisdom acquisition.

God does not disclose His realities to those who seek out simplicity. You should consider how significant it is to you. Where on your list of priorities is truth? According to Matthew 13:46, truth is comparable to “the pearl of great price,” which a man must sell everything he owns in order to get. There isn’t a single person in a thousand now who has the same hunger for knowledge or proficiency reading the Greek New Testament. Consequently, they are forced to rely on interpreters employed by the church. How will they respond to their Lord for not making an attempt to seek the truth? Anyone who thirsts and hungers for truth and is willing to seek it out can discover it. But it’s only found by the earnest. Truth is not inherited. It is not obtained by chance, unlike winnings from lotteries. Only the guy who treasures truth above all other assets can find and maintain it. Truth is like that—only the honest can find it!

For the TRUTH, are you prepared?

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