The enemy is not supposed to believe their media, but we are expected to believe ours.

The media, our government, and our educational system all want us to accept what we are told without challenging it. They will call you all sorts of derogatory things and may even refer to you as a terrorist or a danger to the country if you do confront them. But they want the people of the country we refer to as our adversary to be indoctrinated if they do believe what they are taught.

The deceit never stops. What’s even more ridiculous is that they fail to recognise the hypocrisy.

The media and the government ask you if you ought to request to hear the other viewpoint. They believe that you already know every detail. If they do provide the other viewpoint, it’s not what the “enemy” actually said—rather, it’s what they want you to know.

It’s similar to the times in the Communist Soviet Union when listening to the news in English meant you were an enemy of the state and that you would be sent to a Jewish prison.

The idea that you should back Tucker Carlson during his conversation with Vladimir Putin startled the Western world. God forbid you hear the opposing viewpoint.

Anytime the truth is being withheld from you, regardless of the method, you should be able to identify when someone is lying. These days, they use the internet to conceal the truth by prohibiting you from commenting on social media, assigning unpleasant censors to respond to your posts, and using algorithms to conceal the solution you seek. This in and of itself ought to serve as a caution to you. Therefore, if this happens to you, seek out websites that present the opposing side or sides of the issue. Has this been your approach to the conflict in Ukraine? Have you been acting in this way regarding the Gaza War?

Here’s a little advice., often known as, is a Russian search engine that I have found to be far superior to Google. You will get what you’re looking for when you key in anything like the truth about Christian Identity. On the other hand, Google will provide results that attack it; calling it a hate group, etc.

I advise you to make Yandex your go-to internet search engine. To verify this for yourself, simply search for “Christian Identity” on Google and see what comes up. Then, compare those results to those found on Although Yandex will have some websites that are completely unrelated to what you’re looking for, they will also contain relevant results. As an example, even if the terms you entered in are part of the URL address, you will really see this site on page one of Yandex but nowhere in Google. The address should appear on the first page if the key phrase appears in it. This was how Google’s algorithm looked years ago, before they figured out how to make it more simplistic!

Could it be that too much truth is emerging as one of the main justifications for the war against Russia?


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