Strange Fire in Lahaina, Maui

There are a lot of strange things I saw in this video. Notice the burnt-out cars where tires, hub caps and glass melted. Just do a search to see what temperature glass melts at, then do a search of the average temperature of a brush fire. Where did the fire get the fuel to burn this hot and for the length of time it would take to melt glass if this was done by the brush fire that we are told?

The homes were burnt to the ground (more like disintegrated). You do not have that in a normal fire! Compare this to pictures of German cities that were destroyed by bombs and even phosphorous bombs used by the Allies. These buildings did not disintegrate. You had many walls still standing but in the fire in Lahaina, it looks like everything is in rubble. Where is the mass of brinks and concreate that would still be evident, even if the walls collapsed? They are not there, so it looks like much of it disintegrated.

There are metal remains of the homes, but homes and buildings are not made of all metal. Therefore, this type of energy has the ability to burn one kind so substance but not another. You’ll see some buildings with walls still standing but what about the many of homes in-between?

Now, look at the trees that are still standing next to what was once homes – they are still standing! Sure, they are black and they might be dead, but why weren’t they burnt down? In fact, you still see leaves on the trees. The damage they did get was from the heat produced. However, a fire that can completely destroy a home would have the trees turned to ashes, too. But you don’t see this. Why?

The only answer is that it was done by directed energy weapons (DEW). And this would have to been produced by the military.

The man making the video, obviously, is ignorant of it. Perhaps if he talked as I did, the video would be taken down from YouTube. With that in mind, copy this video, as it might be taken down. If, by the time you see this you can’t see the video, then that is what they did.



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