God Warned Us of This Day


I had asked a question to AI about telling me where in the Bible does it say that the gold is the most valuable and the souls of men the least. The response was:

The Bible actually conveys the opposite message.  Nowhere does it indicate that gold is more valuable than human souls. 

Then in the list of verses it gave Rev. 18:13

 I then told it, I see that you are wrong by actually giving the verse that I was looking for (Rev. 18:13).

It then responded: You’re right, I apologize for the mistake.  I misinterpreted Revelation 18:13.

So, who is really smart here? LOL AI does have many useful services but at the end of the day it’s programmed with Communist leaning ideology.

Here is the verse in full that describes what we are experiencing today that the video did not tell.

Revelation 18:13 mentions “cargoes of gold, silver, jewels and pearls, fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet, all kinds of scented wood…” and then goes on to list “…every sort of ivory vessel, every kind of vessel of precious wood, of bronze, iron and marble; cinnamon, spice, incense, myrrh, frankincense, wine, oil, fine flour and corn; cattle, sheep and horses; chariots, slaves, and the very souls of men.”

AI couldn’t get the understanding from this but this verse is saying, in other words, that the souls of men are least valuable. Or you could say of no value at all, according to the Satanists that rules over us.

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