Proof: The King James Bible is the Best

Yahweh God’s Design in the King James Bible The system of numbers that keep appearing in the Bible reveals that it would be impossible for man or a collection of men to write a book that would make sense. Listen and be amazed. Tell this to your atheist or heathen acquaintances. I had posted an […]

Biblical Cosmology, Part 1

Berean Bible Church Believes in Flat Earth More and more Christians are starting to believe in a flat stationary Earth. Many people are being converted to Christianity because they see that the so-called science is not true, but the Bible is – which is true science. There is a saying that I started and that […]

The Bible is Not a Jewish Book

The Bible is Not a Jewish Book The statement is commonly made, even by those who should know better, that we Christians owe a debt to the Jews, for we got our Bible and our religion from them. While many people have been deceived into believing this, it is completely false. Part of the mistake […]

The Dispossessed

The Dispossessed by George Grant This book was published in 1986. While it’s an old book homelessness is more of an issue now than it was back then. Are you concerned about the problem of homelessness in America? Do you want to make a difference but don’t know where to start? “Bringing in the Sheaves: […]

Honest Money

Honest Money by Gary North Are you tired of the economic instability and financial crises that seem to plague our modern world? Do you want to understand the principles of honest money and how they can be applied to modern banking practices? If so, then “Honest Money: Biblical Principles of Money and Banking” by Gary […]

Christianity Discriminates

Christianity Discriminates Nations around the world have made laws to make it illegal to discriminate. Most of them are in what was formerly called Christendom. The latest is in Australia where a law is proposed that would make all kinds of speech and actions illegal – including discrimination. The fine for an individual could be […]

Bible Truths That Are Ignored in Churches Today

What Bible Truths Are Not Told There are many Bible truths that are not told in churches today and have not been for many years. This is what Bible Truths Ministries is all about. Your first two questions might be, “Why aren’t Bible truths talked about in churches today?” And, “What Bible truths are you […]

What Will Tyrants Receive in the End?

The Rich Will Get Their Just “Reward” We often think of the ill-gotten wealth of the super-rich who make their money off of ill-gotten gains, of blood money. But don’t think that there is no justice. Justice will come when Christ returns. Read Job 27. (After seeing this video.) We read in Job 27 that […]

Battle for Your Mind

Techniques Used for Mind Control It’s vital to know how people, governments and certain church organisation (cults) gain members and keep them in their web of deceit. If you go to church see if any of these techniques are used. If you are not going to church, you’ll be aware of who is using it. […]