How to Get Well and Stay Well – Naturally

Are you sick and tired of being sick? Are you looking to get better but all you see it that you’ll getting worse? Are you told that there are no cures and you just have to live with it? Is health insurance out of range and you can’t get any treatment? Are you living constantly in pain and can’t find relief?

Well, you’ve come to the right place.

Bible Truths Ministries is not only a site that tells Bible truths, it tells of other truths, too, including natural healing.
Since health is the foundation of life; that there is nothing you can do or accomplish without it. Therefore, it’s vital that you learn how to get well and stay well naturally!
The Bible does give guidance about how to live a healthy live; that God provided everything that we need to that end. But the problem is, that people don’t listen to God anymore, just to the medical doctors and other health practitioners.
The crux of the problem is, money is made off of sick people – HUGE amounts of money! If people were generally well, little money could be made. If the people who were sick got well naturally, very few people would be going to the doctor in the first place.

To this end, there will be books published here as well as article that you can download for free to improve your quality of life.

When did you last hear in churches a sermon on natural healing? Slim to none, and Slim just left town! The health parts of the Bible are ignored. The priests and pastors say that God’s food laws don’t apply! Really? They misquote the Bible, but that’s another story. This is just an example of how the Edomites infiltrated the churches many years ago to have pastors tell their congregation this – so they can get wealthy off the sick and dying.

Come back here often as more books and articles will be posted as time allows.

Let’s be healthy Christians!