Abraham Joseph and Moses
Abraham, Joseph an Moses in Egypt The interesting narrative of Abraham, Joseph, and Moses in Egypt, with insights from Princeton Theological Seminary lectures and Siptah’s tomb. Discover the secrets of Egypt’s past by exploring the roles played by these biblical people in Egyptian history with Rev. Alfred H. Kellogg, D.D. Rev. Alfred H. Kellogg, […]
Cameras to Rob the Poor
NYC Using Camera for Revenue Right now, they are giving out nearly 2,000 tickets a day.
The Jews Own Russia
Illegal to Talk About Russian Atrocities
Oregon Shutting Down Small Farms
Small Farms in Oregon Being Shut Down Democracy is a Synonym to Communism This is Communism, not fascism! Remember what the murderous Communists did to Ukraine in 1932-33. They starved to death 6 million Ukrainians. Force has to be met with force. And who does the enforcing in the US? Cops and other agencies […]
People Rather Hear the Lie Than the Truth
Spiritual Israel or Physical Israel
When Humans Are Treated Less Than Animals
God Warned Us of This Day I had asked a question to AI about telling me where in the Bible does it say that the gold is the most valuable and the souls of men the least. The response was: The Bible actually conveys the opposite message. Nowhere does it indicate that gold is […]
Trump Interviewed by Carlson
Tucker Carlson Interviews Donald Trump This interview is after Biden’s speech and it’s the first 28 minutes of this video. Interesting conversation.
Texas Wild Fires Are Same Markings as Hawaii, California and Chile Fires
The Aim is to Drive Us Off the Land Download this video while you can. Share it with others. If you don’t have a paid subscription to YouTube, you can still copy it with a screen capture program such as Fast Stone at: faststone.org Cost about $19 – a onetime payment. This is one of […]
The Diabolical Reason Behind Name Changes
Calling Good Evil and Evil Good Both the terms “right” and “wrong” must have a defined meaning. If “truth” is to “set us free,” it must be impartial (John 8:32). Word meanings need to be constant and unchanging. Reason and honesty should guide our statements rather than personal whimsy, emotional inclinations, or serendipity sparked by […]
This is What Happens When Diversity Rules
When Every Wrong Answer is Right