Big Name Stores Closing in NYC

The Stealing Continues Down to Washington DC That’s what the big stores get when they moved out of Moscow! They don’t have that problem in Russia. Maybe some of them opened up under a Russian front so they can continue to do business where it’s civilized. We have taught a whole generation that stealing is […]

Who Are Supporting the Invaders in Our Country?


Only White Christian Countries Are Being Invaded By Pastor James Wickstrom Soon there will be no more White Christian nations and that is the plans of the antichrists. Remember, anyone who does not believe that Christ is God in the flesh is an antichrist. It’s not one individual person sometime in the future. This sermon, […]

To Say Jews Killed Christ Has Become Illegal in the US

Bible Truths Are Illegal Now RT News: “The US House of Representatives has passed a bill which its authors claim is aimed at combating anti-Semitism in American universities. If signed into law, it would mean suggesting that Jesus Christ was killed by Jews could be classed as anti-Semitism.” We’ll soon see how many Christians there […]

So-Called Christian Conservative Governor is a Zionist

Mass Killings by the Edomites Are OK But Not for Others Gov. De Santis of Florida said people should not be able to protest on behalf of the Palestinians. While most Palestinians are not Christians the fact is, that it’s the Edomites that are doing the killing. This also shows the hypocrisy of the media […]

Canadian Family Moves to Russa

The New Immigrants At the start of 13 minutes, the father has a Bible lesson for his family. There is a short but very powerful lesson that we can learn from the story of Lot. The Russians welcomed this large Christian Canadian family to their arms while their own media thought it was horrible for […]

Large American Family Moves to Russia

The Reason Why This Family Moved This Christian family moved from America to live where there are Christian values. I’ve said for a number of years now that the next immigrants will be Americans (and others of what was formerly known as Christendom), and we see it here. Listen to their heart-warming story.  

Squatters Taking Over New York City

Laws Support Squatters and Against Home Owners This is communism on steroids! It may not take long for it to spread to other regions of the nation and perhaps to your own. Police are also part of the issue since they are ineffective because they enforce these Communist regulations. One day, I envision people waking […]

What Hitler Said Holds True Today

Why the World Hates Hitler Today is the anniversary of Adolf Hitler’s birth.  If you are not hated by the world, you are not on the side of the truth. Christ said that we should not be lovers of the world. Hitler sure wasn’t. True Christians are not lovers of the world. We know that […]