Many Proofs the Israelites Where White
Dispelling the Lies that Anyone Called “Christian” Are Abraham’s Seed
God’s Indisputable Existence
God’s Indisputable Existence Weekly Sermon, 24 September 2023 By Pastor Greg Bahnsen Yahweh does not expect you to change a person’s heart. The only one that can change a sinner’s heart is the Holy Spirit.
How the Communist/Anti-Christ Social Credit System Works
How the Communist/Anti-Christ Social Credit System Works
The Protocols of Zion Is in Force
Latest Update of Protocols of Zion Listen to this update of what is happening. Listen to what is being said and compare this to what is happening. Click Here
False Prophets
False Prophets in Churches Today Weekly Sermon, 10 September 2023 By Pastor Bertrand Comparet But when the prophet Samuel grew old, and could no longer vigorously enforced the laws of God, then instead of the people turning to God for the full restoration of the laws of his kingdom, they said to Samuel, and […]
Can Anything be Judeo-Christian?
Can Anything be Judeo-Christian? Can Anything be Judeo-Christian? Pastor Bertrand L. Comparet This was originally published about 1970, but it’s still appropriate today. This is an age when news has been superseded by propaganda and education by brainwashing and indoctrination. From the advertising used to sell shoddy goods, to the classes in your schools designed […]
Delayed Truth: What the Government Is Doing
Dr Shiva Expose When you know the truth, it should be exposed at the time it happens! This blog, Bible Truths Ministries, is also about truth in general and this is one of them. Listen to the expose by Dr Shiva that most Truth-Seekers don’t know about. One comment on what Shiva said when he […]
We Want Our Country Back
We Want Our Country Back It’s always good to have a song along with a sermon. So, here is a good one by Christian brother Carl Klang.
Bible Truths That Are Ignored in Churches Today
What Bible Truths Are Not Told There are many Bible truths that are not told in churches today and have not been for many years. This is what Bible Truths Ministries is all about. Your first two questions might be, “Why aren’t Bible truths talked about in churches today?” And, “What Bible truths are you […]
I Hope Victims Retrieved Their Money
I Hope the Victims Retrieved Their Money A stranger in a car giving them a helping hand.