Bible Basics

Here are some recommended books to read to start you off. Though this is called Bible Basics, 9 out 10 pastors don’t know this and many will not want to know. Why? Because they would lose most of their congregation. As we read in Scripture, people love to have their ears tickled (they don’t want to learn uncomfortable truths).

Facts and Fables of the King James Bible

Can You Trust Modern Translators?


Jesus the Galilean 

Pastor Sheldon Emry challenges the commonly held belief that Jesus was a Jew based solely on his birthplace and place of crucifixion. The author argues that there is no basis in Scripture for the claim that Jesus and his disciples were Jews. The file sheds light on the significance of Nazareth and Galilee in Jesus’ life and ministry, which are often overlooked in favor of Jerusalem. The author argues that Jesus spent most of his time in Galilee, where he testified to Galileans and his followers were Galileans. The file also discusses the prophecy in Isaiah that foretold the coming of Jesus as a burning fire or a great light to the land of Galilee, Zebulon, and Naphthalin.


Some of the verses quoted are:

– Matthew 4:13-16

– Matthew 4:17-18

– Matthew 28:16-20

– Isaiah 9:1-5

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An Open Letter To Any Minister Who Teaches ‘the Jews Are Israel’

The letter argues against the idea that modern-day Jews are the chosen people of God, as many Christian ministers and Bible teachers believe. The author cites various biblical passages to support his argument, including Ezekiel 36:24, which he interprets as referring to the restoration of the Israelites to their homeland, rather than the establishment of the state of Israel. The letter also discusses the political and social implications of the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, as well as the role of Jews in the communist movement. Overall, the letter presents a critical perspective on the idea that Jews are the chosen people of God and challenges readers to reconsider their beliefs on the subject.

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A Study Into The Meaning of The Word ‘Gentile’ As Used In The Bible

by Pastor Curtis Clair Ewing. The study examines the meaning of the Hebrew word “goi,” which is translated as “gentile” in English, and argues that its meaning in the Bible is more complex and nuanced than its modern-day usage. The study provides examples of verses where the word “goi” is used to refer to non-Israel people and argues that the word should be translated as “nation” or “people” instead of “gentile.” The study also touches on the identity of Israel as the Anglo-Saxon and kindred people. The PDF file does not provide a comprehensive table of contents or index of topics covered.

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Rapture of the Wicked

This book explains differences between Futurism and Historicism in regards to prophecy and the return of Christ! While both viewpoints agree on the ultimate return of Christ, the manner and timing of His coming are hotly debated. Understanding these differences can greatly impact our attitudes and actions as we prepare for His return.

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God Punishes Israel

The file quotes Deuteronomy 28:43-44 and Amos 3:1-2 to support this idea. It also explains that God has a special relationship with Israel that is different from His relationship with other people, and that this relationship is the reason why God punishes Israel for their sins. This book  acknowledges that this concept may be difficult for some people to accept, but it presents the scriptural evidence to support it.

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God Sold Israel

The PDF file is a religious and political text that discusses the potential defeat of America and other Christian nations by their enemies. The author argues that this defeat is the result of disobedience to God’s laws and the influence of various groups, including Jews, One Worlders, and Communists. The document cites various historical and contemporary examples to support its claims and urges readers to take action to defend their nations and their faith. The text also includes religious references and quotes from the Bible to support its arguments.

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