Book Section

Here, you will find free books that you will not find in libraries, book shops or schools. The reason being is, that the Establishment doesn’t want you to know Bible truths, what’s really going on in the world and hidden history.

There are certain very rich people who controls everything that we read. In order to take over a nation with violent means, it is done through other means. This all started many centuries ago when most people went to church. The church was the centre of the peoples’ lives. By changing church doctrine, they were able to control the nation.

Here is an example, in the Bible we are plainly told that we should not lend on usury (which is also interest). By not making it a taboo, people borrowed money. But, as the Word of God said, The borrower is servant (slave) to the lender. Christians borrowed money at their own risk, but we were forbidden, by Bible law, to lend at interest. So, this made it easy for our enemies, who are not Christian, to enter and legally engage in this business. Then, it was a matter of time before these people became extremely wealthy, and with wealth, it was easy to influence the rulers and have more laws changed which allowed the Pharisees and Sadducees to run everything – which is what we see today.

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