Manipulated Minds: Unveiling the Tactics of Psychological Warfare


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This book exposes the shocking use of communist textbooks on psycho-political warfare in schools across America, disguised as “psychology.” The author, a former member of the Communist Party, reveals the training he received in brainwashing techniques and the manipulation of minds for the destruction of capitalist society and Christian civilization.

Example questions

1. What specific evidence does the author provide of communist textbooks being used in schools across America?
2. How did the author’s experience as a member of the Communist Party influence his understanding of psychopolitics and brainwashing techniques?
3. What actions did the author take to expose the use of communist propaganda in schools, and what impact did his testimony have on the Un-American Activities Committee?

What specific evidence does the author provide of communist textbooks being used in schools across America?

The author provides specific evidence of communist textbooks being used in schools across America by mentioning the alteration of works by William James and others into a more acceptable pattern. Additionally, the author states that the tenets of Karl Marx, Pavlov, Lamarck, and the data of Dialectic Materialism have been placed into psychology textbooks to influence students towards accepting the reasonableness of Communism. This manipulation of educational materials aims to indoctrinate students and educators with communist ideologies, ultimately shaping their beliefs and perceptions towards a communist worldview.

How did the author’s experience as a member of the Communist Party influence his understanding of psychopolitics and brainwashing techniques?

The author’s experience as a member of the Communist Party significantly influenced his understanding of psychopolitics and brainwashing techniques. During his time in the party, he underwent training in all phases of warfare, including psychological warfare, for the purpose of destroying capitalist society and Christian civilization. Part of this training involved studying psychopolitics, which focused on capturing the minds of a nation through brainwashing and fake mental health. The author learned that the degradation of the populace through brainwashing was seen as a less inhuman method compared to their destruction by bombs, as the ultimate goal was to control conquered people without the need for physical warfare. This firsthand experience within the Communist Party provided the author with insights into the strategies and tactics used to manipulate and control individuals through psychological means, shaping his understanding of the dangers of psychopolitical warfare.

What actions did the author take to expose the use of communist propaganda in schools, and what impact did his testimony have on the Un-American Activities Committee?

The author took significant actions to expose the use of communist propaganda in schools by voluntarily appearing before the Un-American Activities Committee in Washington, D.C. in 1939. During his testimony, which can be found in Volume 9 of that year’s Congressional Report, he revealed the training he received in psychopolitics and brainwashing techniques at a Communist Party school in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The author shared details about how the Communist Party aimed to capture the minds of the American populace through manipulation and indoctrination, highlighting the insidious tactics used to subvert traditional values and beliefs.

The impact of the author’s testimony on the Un-American Activities Committee was substantial. By shedding light on the communist infiltration of educational institutions and the dissemination of propaganda disguised as academic material, he raised awareness about the threat posed by psychopolitical warfare to American society. His testimony provided valuable insights into the methods employed by the Communist Party to influence and control individuals, prompting further investigation and scrutiny into the spread of communist ideologies in the United States.


“Brainwashed Into Slavery” by Kenneth Goff is a chilling exposé that delves into the insidious tactics of communist psychopolitical warfare aimed at manipulating and controlling the minds of the American populace. Through his firsthand experience as a former member of the Communist Party, Goff unveils the alarming use of brainwashing techniques and propaganda in schools across America, disguised under the guise of psychology.

The book opens with a stark warning about the increasing influence of psychopolitical warfare on the American public, citing examples such as the brainwashing of American soldiers in Korea and the spread of mental health propaganda by left-wing groups. Goff highlights how communist operatives sought to recruit every agency of the nation into a foaming hatred of religious healing, aiming to subjugate the population to the will of the Kremlin.

Goff reveals the infiltration of communist ideologies into educational materials, where works by renowned figures like William James were altered to promote communist tenets. By incorporating the teachings of Karl Marx, Pavlov, and others into psychology textbooks, the communists aimed to indoctrinate students and educators, paving the way for the acceptance of communism as a reasonable ideology.

The author’s personal testimony before the Un-American Activities Committee sheds light on the training he received at a Communist Party school in Wisconsin, where he was indoctrinated in psychopolitics and brainwashing techniques. Goff exposes the Communist Party’s strategy of capturing the minds of the American people through manipulation and fake mental health, emphasizing the goal of controlling the populace without the need for physical warfare.

Throughout the book, Goff emphasizes the urgent need for Americans to be vigilant against the threat of psychopolitical warfare and to resist the subtle indoctrination tactics employed by communist operatives. He calls on readers to take action and prevent the enslavement of America through brainwashing, especially targeting the youth who are vulnerable to such manipulative tactics.

In conclusion, “Brainwashed Into Slavery” serves as a powerful wake-up call to the dangers of communist propaganda and psychopolitical warfare in American society. Through his eye-opening revelations and personal experiences, Kenneth Goff exposes the sinister methods used by the Communist Party to subvert traditional values and beliefs, urging readers to stand against the insidious influence of brainwashing and manipulation.


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