Where the White People Came From

After reading this article, tell me if you think the Jews are right in that they are the people of the Bible. If you should ask, “What difference does it make?” wait for a future article that explains the importance of this.

Author Unknown

My own research came to this same conclusion, in fact, I will show you that the bible DOES describe Christ, our blessed savior, as being blonde and blue eyed, like the popular image (which was NEVER in question until the last century) and with this knowledge, you will then understand why there is an unholy alliance to genocide the white race off of the planet using mass immigration, wars, disease, and race-mixing, as well as anything else they can think of. Noah was spared by God because he was “Perfect in his generations”. In other words, as no man is without sin except our Lord, he was saved because his race was still pure. As Satan used the same tactic to breed the white race of Adam out of being in Noah’s time, and as it was in Noah’s time, so too shall it be in the days of the coming of the son of man. And that is OUR times.

Here are my findings, as well as Christ’s description as a blonde, blue eyed man from scripture, and other references that Europeans and Israel are one and the same.

a) The descendants of Abraham and Jacob were to be “a great nation” (Genesis 12:2; 18:18) and “a company of nations” (Genesis 17:4; 35:11; 48:19). Wherever the white race has gone it has established great and prosperous nations. This includes ancient Egypt and Greece, the European nations, America, Canada, Australia, So. Africa. Whites are the founders of nations in every corner of the world, and thus they are the only race to have a company of great nations. The Jews have never been a great nation let alone a company of nations. They have been wanderers and vagabonds in the earth (as stated of Cain in Genesis 4:12) never having a nation of their own. The so-called state of Israel exists only with the aid of American money and technology. Whites are not fleeing to non-white nations for prosperity. Its the opposite. And what’s more, if they treated blacks so badly, why didn’t blacks return to Africa as soon as they were free? If I was held captive, abused, and mistreated the SECOND I was free I would flee for home! Actions speak far louder than words. What I am trying to say is, if whites are such evil devils, why does everyone run TOO white nations, and never AWAY from them?

(b) Israel was to have great agricultural harvests and wealth (Genesis 27:28; Deuteronomy 28:11; Deuteronomy 33:13, 14, 28). The white European peoples, especially of America and Canada, have been the world’s most successful farmers. They seem to have a natural desire to grow things. All through history Jews have been known as merchants and money lenders and never as farmers — they are very poor farmers. And can anyone say Africans are great farmers? All that fertile land, and all those starving people….

(c) Israel was to be God’s witness and carry the word of God to all the world (Isaiah 43:10-12, 21; 59:21; Matthew 28:19-20). 99% of all Bible missionary work has been carried on by the white race. America, Britain, and Germany print 97% of all the Bibles in over 700 languages mostly via Bible societies, spreading God’s word to the ends of the earth.

(d) Israel was to be God’s (“battle-axe” and an undefeatable military power (Numbers 24:8; Jeremiah 51:20-23; Isaiah 54:15-17; Micah 5:8-9). The white race has produced the greatest soldiers and conquerors — Joshua, David, Alexander, William the Conqueror, Washington, Robert E. Lee, MacArthur, Patton. It was the Visigoths and Romans of the white race that defeated the hordes of Attila the Hun when no other nation could stop them. The white race has throughout the centuries served as God’s battle-axe to “subdue”(Genesis 1:28) and conquer the heathen, demonstrating its military dominance over all other races. It is noteworthy that the battle-axe was the great weapon of the Saxon and Germanic peoples… If not for white Christian Crusader’s, Muslims would have controlled the world long ago as well.

(e) Israel was to be a seafaring and colonizing people (Genesis 28:14; 49:13; Numbers 24:7; Deuteronomy 33:19; Judges 5:17; Psalms 2:8; 89:25). Throughout history, the world’s greatest ship builders and seaman have been the white race going back to their ancestors the Phoenicians. It is through ships and sea navigation that the white race has “spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and the south” (Genesis 28:14). They were the first and only race to do so on their own, and all the great seaman and explorers were of the white race including Leif Ericson, Marco Polo, Magellan, Columbus, Capt. Cook, etc. Other races, being unable to build ships on their own, could only use the ships or ship building technology of the white race. As for Jews or Blacks, they never have possessed the spirit for exploration.

(f) The descendants of Israel were to be multiplied exceedingly (Genesis 13:16; 15:5; 17:2; 22:17; 24:60; 26:4; 28:14; 32:12). This promise most assuredly excludes the “Jews” as being God’s Chosen People. While the Black race with 700 million people, the Chinese with one billion, and White race with 700 million are all great in number, the Jews at only 18 million are not. When this promise was repeated in the 8th century B.C. (Hosea 1:10) the nation of Israel was already very nearly 18 million. Either God has failed in His promise or today’s preachers are liars regarding the Jews.

g) The descendants of Abraham and Jacob were to be a blessing to all families (nations) of the earth (Genesis 12:3; 18:18; 28:14; Isaiah 27:6). Since the dawn of history, the white race has been the obvious leaders in all fields of endeavor — science, medicine, agriculture, inventions and manufacturing from which all other nations have benefited. The Jews in Palestine need white Christians for food, money, technology, military support, etc. Just who is blessed by whom? This also excludes blacks. As tell me, how are, say, the Chinese or people of Japan blessed by blacks? Rap music maybe? LOL I think not…But these peoples DO use medicines, automobiles, and other tech created by whites.

(h) Israel was to be blind to its identity and be called by a new name and not known as Israel (Isaiah 62:2; 65:15; Hosea 1:9-10; Romans 11:25). Since God was going to “call his servants by another name,” we should expect them to be known by a name other than Israel today. God stated that He would put His “name upon the children of Israel” (Numbers 6:27) and thus, through the Messiah, they are called “Christians” (Acts 11:26). All the world refers to the white nations as Christendom. We are named Christians after Jesus Christ. The Jews have been commonly known as Israel, yet God clearly said Israel would be known by a “new name.” Blacks and Jews commonly use the term Israelites, not knowing that God said that name would not be used by Israel any longer.

Rev. 1: 14 ( describing our risen Lord and savior)

“HIs head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were as flames of fire, and his feet were as fine brass, as if burnt in a furnace.”

1) It says hair AND head, not hair ON head…HUGE distinction.

2) The ONLY way a person in his thirties would be described as having “White” hair other than being malformed (Christ was a perfect man so THATS ruled out…) is a light blonde.

3) The other races, including the counterfeit Jews, have BROWN eyes. The color of something BURNT. BLUE is the color of the heart of a flame.

4) This one tends to throw people off, as brass has normally a coppery tone. But when you place fine brass in a furnace, it becomes pale-white.

Lamentations 4: 7

Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing was of sapphire:

Our Lord was a Nazarene. Nazarite is plural for Nazarene. So is it any wonder that in newer bibles, they are changing the word to “Princes”? Just as in the earlier verse, they are changing hair AND head to hair ON head. These are tactical changes. And there are many others….Stick to the preserved word in the King James Bible.

Song of Solomon 5: 10

My beloved is white and ruddy, the most chief among ten thousand.

Newer bibles, like the NIV (Which are Satanic in nature, and twist the word of God) changed the word “White” in this verse to “radiant”.

Now do you understand why anti-white propaganda is everywhere? And why its hand in hand with anti-Christian rhetoric?

The falling away has occurred. But many white Europeans are waking up to who they are. It wasn’t long ago I myself was called back to God, having been (I am ashamed to say) a wayward, backslid sinner for a long time. They have separated us from our place with God, which led us away from our task as Christians, and the world is falling into chaos because of it. Who knows, perhaps reading this is YOUR calling, your awakening. I can only hope. For we all must ready our brethren, our children, our people, for what is still to come…. White genocide IS the tribulation. And it’s here. At least the beginning of it.

Yahweh bless. And take on the armor of God, and faith in Christ. We are going to need it.



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