Donald Trump and America’s Golden Age

Recently you’ve heard Donald Trump say that he will make America’s golden age or words to that affect. I say really?

Think about it, as a Bible believing Christian, it takes Jesus Christ to make America great – or any nation for that matter. It takes following the laws, statues and judgements in the Bible and the nation that follows will have a golden age. It stands to reason that the nation that is more closely aligned with God’s laws, the more prosperity it will have

I know that a lot of Christian Identity people as well as the average Christian supports Donald Trump. Though he might put some good laws in affect or at least better than Joe Biden, America will no way be close to a golden age. Think about it.

You can be sure that Donald Trump will not do the things that are necessary or tell Congress what they will need to do; the laws they have to get rid of and what has to be instituted.

When America was great and when it was closer to a golden age (still far from it, but closer) is to take a look at America back in the 19th century. What made America great then; what made millions of people immigrate to America was certain laws and customs that were in place. The following was not laws as such but what was not allowed.

America did not have:

Let’s just focus on the above – which has most to do with making citizens prosperous; with making a golden age. Ask yourself this, do you think that Donald Trump will get rid of the central banks, the income tax and other forms of taxes? Do you think he will decentralize the government? The answer is NO! So, how do you think that America will be great again? How do you think that America will have a “golden age”? It won’t, you can bet on that!

Sure, some things will be better but there will still be a lot of problems in America, including: high crime, poverty, homelessness. There will also be other kinds of problems that would not be found in a nation that has a golden age.

I could write a whole book on this but I just want to write a short article to illustrate the point. There’s a lot more I can write about but I think that just with a few areas that I wrote above, you can be sure that Trump will not get rid of the above. Trump e said nothing about getting rid of a central bank and taxes and if he did, you can be sure that he’ll never see them through. After all, how has the most financial power, and thus, most influence in America? The International Bankers and they will never, never allow to see their wealth being taken away from them.

In short, America (or any nation) will not be great again, will not have a “golden age” until we return to God’s laws, statues and judgements.



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