False Prophets in Churches Today

Weekly Sermon, 10 September 2023

By Pastor Bertrand Comparet


But when the prophet Samuel grew old, and could no longer vigorously enforced the laws of God, then instead of the people turning to God for the full restoration of the laws of his kingdom, they said to Samuel, and this is First Samuel eight, verses one to 20. Make us a king, that we also may be like all the nations.

God himself said of this, they have rejected me that I should not reign over them. This was the beginning of disaster, God warned the people of the evil ways of their human king, who would indeed rule them, like all the nations, but they wouldn’t he, as he warned them, high taxes, bureaucracy and unreasonable tyranny were their fate, like all the nations.

What are some of the consequences of rejecting God’s reign and wanting to be like other nations?

Rejecting God’s reign and wanting to be like other nations can lead to high taxes, bureaucracy, and unreasonable tyranny, like in all the other nations. It is also considered despising and rejecting the very purpose for which God created us.

How can we avoid falling into the trap of idolatry and following the ways of the world?

The sermon suggests that we can avoid falling into the trap of idolatry and following the ways of the world by being separated from other people and being holy unto God. We should not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers and should come out from among them and be separate. We should also be warned against working with pagan nations, except upon our terms.

What are some practical ways we can be a peculiar treasure unto God and live holy lives?

The sermon does not provide specific practical ways to be a peculiar treasure unto God and live holy lives. However, it emphasizes the importance of being separated from other people and being holy unto God. It also highlights the duty to possess and govern the heathen and to teach them God’s laws. Therefore, some practical ways to live holy lives could include studying and obeying God’s commandments, sharing the gospel with others, and living a life that reflects God’s love and character.

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