What Bible Truths Are Not Told

churchThere are many Bible truths that are not told in churches today and have not been for many years. This is what Bible Truths Ministries is all about.

Your first two questions might be, “Why aren’t Bible truths talked about in churches today?” And, “What Bible truths are you talking about?”

The first question is basically, why these truths are not talked in churches today is, that in order for the enemy to control a nation, the first thing they have to do is control what the people believe in. To control a nation from a military means is costly, bloody and people are more likely to rebel. But if their pastors and priest tell them that such-and-such is good for the people and it’s biblical, the people will believe it. Thus, avoiding a costly war in which the enemies of Christ might be run out of the country.

It was many centuries ago that changes in church doctrine took place. I will not go into detail now, as it would take a book to explain. In future articles and free books that will be posted at Bible Truths Ministries you’ll learn more.

As for the second question, “What Bible truths are you talking about?” Here is a partial list. This is not complete but it will give you an idea. More will be written and posted on this website as time allows.

A major Bible truth that is not told in churches today is, “God’s Law have been done away with. Christ replaced the Law when he died on the cross.” This is repeated as a mantra by church goers and non-church goers alike. This is a lie that Christians have been taught for generations. The reason is simple.

If you read the Laws, Statues and Judgements in the Old Testament, you’ll see that there are many “dos and don’ts.” Keep in mind, the 10 Commandments are just the summary of the laws – not all the laws itself.

The reason why the modern-day Sadducees and Pharisees today want Christians to believe this is, it will allow the Sadducees and Pharisees to make laws that would allow them to control the people, make money and enslave them that, otherwise, would be illegal under God’s righteous system of government.

To give you one example, we are told by God that we should not lend upon usury, upon increase, anything to our neighbour and that includes money. Whereas today, our central banks down to the local bank lends money on usury (interest). What this does is, creates inflation, deflation, recessions and depressions, which puts millions in poverty. And one of the largest profitable businesses in the world is international banking. After all, if you have the power to create money what cost is there to you? If the borrower can not pay back, he loses his collateral – which is real tangible items. Thus, the banks get something that is real from something that is created out of thin air.

Another example is, by getting rid of capital punishment for certain crimes. What you do is create more crime. From this, there are businesses that make money from housing criminals, for funding police, making the things needed – in ever increasing amounts – that relate to taking care of the criminals. Of course, with more crime, you need more lawyers, which make a lot of money. With  many people making money off of crime, is it any wonder why we don’t see crime go down?

In short, by saying that God’s Laws, Statues and Judgements have been down away with, our problems increase – depite all the promises by the politicians. And the same includes any other problem in society. All because to many people are making money off the problems in society instead of the solutions.

You might not agree or totally agree with what is said and I understand. But as more articles and free books that will be posted here, you’ll get a better understanding. Also posted here will be articles that have many scriptural verses that support – both in the Old and New Testament – that the Laws are still in effect. That the only thing that has “been done away with” are the ritual sacrifices as Christ dying on the cross was the ultimate sacrifice.

Finally, remember the words of Christ himself, when he said if you love me, you will obey my Commandments? What are his Commandments? What is written in the Old Testament! Christ was God in the flesh. So, it’s the same person that commanded Moses to write the laws, as was what was said, “If you love me, you’ll follow my Commandments.”

Start you Bible Study today and do it with the King James Version 1611. The reason why I say this is, there are many modern-day versions that have pervert scripture to read what the enemies of Christ want you to believe.

May Yahweh, God, guide and bless you in your journey for Bible truths!




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