Should Christians Say Bad Things About Jews?


By William Finck


Recently, there was a lot of talk in the media about Herr Ratzinger, the leader of the Roman Catholic “church” (I shouldn’t use any of the normal self-proclaimed titles, see Matthew 23:8–9), and his trip to the United States. The media said that his visit to a synagogue in New York City, where he hugged the Jews and gave a speech about the “Jewish” roots of Jesus (Yahshua) Christ and Christianity, was one of the best parts of his trip. But nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, which most people will continue to ignore, Herr Ratzinger’s tribute to the Jews of New York proves the truth of New Testament verses like Luke 4:5-6, John 14:30, and 1 Corinthians. 2:8 is just one example. Because the people we see in places of power are not the ones who really have power. The dragon (Rev. 12:7-9) is the one who gives the beast (Rev. This statement might seem confusing right now, but it might make more sense as this writing goes on.


jews 1During His time on earth, Yahshua Christ was always different from the Jews. His words in John 8:31–47 and John 10 show this clearly. The people who wrote the gospels do the same thing, especially John, as in John 7:1 and 9:22. To understand this difference and why it was recorded in the New Testament, it helps to look at the history of Judaea in the years before Jesus was born. Why, for example, did Herod and all of Jerusalem get upset when they heard about Jesus’ birth, and why did they plot to kill Him instead of being happy like the Magi and shepherds (Matthew 2:1–23; Luke 2:8–20)?


Many hundreds of years before Christ was born, around 745 B.C. Before 676 B.C., the Assyrians killed or moved almost all of the people who lived in ancient Israel and Judah. This is quickly explained in 2 Kings chapters 17 and 18. The only people the Assyrians didn’t kill were the people who lived in Jerusalem. See 2 Chron. 32. Ancient Assyrian writings have been found that back up these stories and show that a lot of Israelites were taken and moved to the north. These Israelites are the “lost” sheep of Ezekiel 34, and many Bible predictions were made about them even after they were sent away. But none of these people have ever been called “Jews,” so they are not the focus of this talk, even though it is clear that most of these people became the Christian nations of the future.


By 585 B.C., almost everyone left behind by the Assyrians had been taken away by the Babylonians, who destroyed Jerusalem and moved the people there (2 Kings 25; 2 Chronicles 36). Ezra and Nehemiah wrote that only about 40,000 of these people went back to Jerusalem after a few years. Some of these 40,000 people moved to Galilaia, but the majority stayed in and around Jerusalem. They were the ancestors of Yahshua Christ, the prophets, and their people, as well as the “Jews” of Judaea and Jerusalem. But it’s clear that the Hebrew faith and the Old Testament’s predictions belonged to a much bigger group than these people, who never went back to Judaea and were never called “Jews”—something that’s hard to tell with all the propaganda we hear today.


In Ezra 10 and Nehemiah 13, we see that when these people moved back to Jerusalem, they started marrying Canaanites, who had been Israel’s enemies in the past and were cursed by Yahweh, the God of Israel. When they were told to stop and asked to repent, they left their foreign wives behind. This happened in the 5th century B.C., which is where the Old Testament records stop. This was more than 400 years before Jesus was born. But a lot of what we know about these 400 years that aren’t in the Bible comes from secular writers, especially Flavius Josephus, who was a Jew.


Josephus and others show that the Edomites, who are the offspring of Esau and his Canaanite wives (Genesis 36), moved into the lands of Simeon and Judah after the Israelites were sent away. By 130 B.C., under the Maccabees, who were the high priests of Jerusalem, the people of Jerusalem had grown quite strong. After throwing off the rule of the Greek rulers of Syria, to whom they had been subject, they conquered all of the Canaanites and Edomites who lived in the area and forced them to convert to the religion of Judah, which was already called “Judaism” in Greek and Roman. Once the real Israelites of Judaea (the children of the 40,000) turned to Judaism and started getting circumcised, it was easy for them to start marrying Edomites and Canaanites of Judaea without any religious guilt or criticism. By 80 B.C., many Edomites, especially from the family of Herod, were in places of power and control in the kingdom of Judaea. By 40 B.C. After killing the last of the Maccabees, the first Herod in Matthew 2 became the de facto king of Judaea. Herod paid Marc Antony to convince Octavius Caesar and the Roman Senate to make Herod the legal king around 36 B.C. As soon as Herod became king, the high priesthood and other positions at the Temple in Jerusalem were used as political tools. Over the years, many of Herod’s friends and relatives were given these positions, and this went on until the Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D.


With this background in mind, it’s easy to see how the Judaeans Christ rebuked could say they were Abraham’s children, even though Christ says they weren’t really Abraham’s children (John 8). Their claim was true because they were descended from Esau, but Yahweh, the God of Israel, hates Esau (Mal. 1:1–3). Paul reminds us of this in Romans 9, where he says that not everyone in Israel at the time was a real Israelite and then compares Jacob and Esau. In Romans 9:22–33, he calls the Israelites “vessels of mercy” and the Edomites “vessels of destruction.” Here, he explains why the Judaeans of the first century were divided, which can also be seen in places like Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. They were partly descended from the Canaanites. They were also descended from the Kenites, who were Cain’s children, and the Rephaim, who all mixed together (Genesis 15:19–21). This is why the Edomite Herod was a symbol of “the great red dragon.” The Kenites and the Rephaim were descended from the snake and the fallen angels of Genesis.


Because of this, Yahshua Christ told the Judaeans He rebuked, “You are of your father the devil” (John 8:44) and “But you don’t believe, because you’re not my sheep, like I told you” (John 10:26). He did not say, “You are not my sheep because you don’t believe,” as the Roman Catholic and Protestant “churches” teach. No, He said, “You don’t believe because you’re not my sheep.” This shows that the Jews, who didn’t believe and were against Christianity, were never His sheep. In fact, the Bible and history show that they are Canaanites and Edomites, who are Israel’s enemies that Yahweh God hates and curses.


Paul divides the Judaeans into two groups: those who are “vessels of mercy” and those who are “vessels of destruction.” This is similar to how the prophet Jeremiah divided the people of Jerusalem into “good figs” and “bad figs” in Jeremiah 24. Jeremiah said that the bad figs would be sent “to all the kingdoms of the earth to hurt them, to be a reproach, a proverb, a taunt, and a curse in all the places where I send them” (Jer. 24:9). In the same way, Yahshua Christ, referring to Jeremiah, stood in Jerusalem in the year 32 A.D. and predicting that the city and temple would be destroyed, which happened in the year 70 A.D. … is known to have said “… because there will be a lot of trouble in the land and anger towards this people. They will be killed by the sword and taken as slaves to all the nations…” (Matthew 21:23–24). He said this about the Jews who didn’t believe, the bad fig, “not of my sheep,” Edomite Jews. This move in the year 70 A.D. was not the scattering of the people of God, who used to be called Israel. That had happened hundreds of years earlier, when the Assyrians and Babylonians took people away. Instead, both Jeremiah and Christ say that the diaspora of the Jews was the migration of God’s and Christ’s enemies. Again, in part, the Jews of today are descended from these people. Along the way, they mixed with people of many other races, but they kept their religion as a common thread, except for those who converted to Roman Catholicism in the Middle Ages, especially in Italy and Spain. From the time Jesus was crucified in 32 A.D. Before Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 A.D., the church helped sort out many of the good figs from the bad ones. Josephus says that most of the good Jews had left Jerusalem before it was destroyed. Christ had warned Christians, so they knew what to do.


Today’s Jews often say that the Romans killed Christ by putting him on the cross, and many Roman Catholic and Protestant “churches” repeat this nonsense. At the end of the “parable of the ten pounds,” as it is often called, in Luke 19:27, Christ says, “But those mine enemies who did not want me to rule over them, bring here and kill them before me.” In other places, the Jews say, “We have no king but Caesar” and “His blood be on us and on our children.” After Christ was crucified, the disciples make it clear that the people of Judea killed him, not the Romans. This is clear in Acts 2:23, 4:8–10, 7:52–53, and 1 Thess. 2:14-15. Christ was not killed by the Romans! It is clear from the facts that the Jews killed Christ. The Romans were just the hammer that the Jews used to break things. Can a killer say that the murder was caused by the weapon? Even though many good people in Judea agreed with the execution, it is clear that they were just following the crowd and the lies of their leaders, the Pharisees and Sadducees, most of whom were bad-fig Edomite Jews. Politics were the same back then as they are now. Paul says that this is why those who deny Christ will be punished much more severely than those who break the rules of Moses, and that God will indeed punish those who deny Christ (Hebrews 10:28–30). Even if the Jews are God’s people, by saying they are, they bring much worse justice on themselves. But in fact, they are not. Instead, they are the congregation of Satan (the enemy), i.e. Rev. 2:9 and 3:9 say this.


In another oft-repeated Jewish claims, they say that there are more than one “paths” to “God,” and that the different religions of the world reflect these different paths. However, their religion is not the true Hebrew religion, because Christianity is the fulfilment of the law and the prophets. But Yahshua Christ’s own words show that this is not true. In John 14:6, He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” In John 10:7-9, He said, “… I am the sheep’s door… “I am the door; if anyone comes in through me, he will be saved.” This shows that there is only one way to get to Yahweh God, and that only His sheep go through that door. Paul also says this about Christ in his letter to the Hebrews (1:6): “And let all the angels of God worship Him.” The Greek word for “angel” means “messenger,” which is what a “angel” is. If someone claims to be a servant of God but doesn’t worship Christ, then his faith is pointless and its promises are empty. There are predictions and promises about Christ all through the Old Testament. People who say they find their faith in it but aren’t Christians are lying and fooling themselves. Most important among these are the Jews!


In Greek, “accursed” is what the word “anathema” means. One could make a good case that the word “maranatha” in 1 Corinthians 16:22 is a reference to Jesus. 16:22 is a Hebrew word that translates to “a rebel to be destroyed.” mara comes from Strong’s Hebrew #4754 (see also #4775, #4776, #4777, #4779, and #4784), which means rebel, and natha comes from #5421, which means to destroy or, in the passive, to be destroyed. Even the lexicons vary on how the phrase “maranatha” should be broken down, and the words that come from it are not, as far as I can tell, clearly named. So, this reading could be claimed to be more reasonable than the mainstream experts’. Still, most experts believe that the phrase means “O Lord, come” or something similar, even though it doesn’t make sense with the words that came before it. Instead, it’s pretty clear that 1 Cor. 16:22 should say, “If anyone doesn’t love the Lord Yahshua Christ, he must be cursed (anathema), a rebel to be destroyed [maranatha]!”This way of reading the line makes much more sense in the context of the words that come before it. It is also correct, since it comes from clear Hebrew words. And these are the Edomite Jews, whom Paul calls “vessels of destruction” in Romans 9. They are cursed by God. But we don’t just have to look at this one statement, try to figure out what it means, and fight about it to see that Christians must reject Jews. Because the teachers of Christ also left us many other words that teach us in the same way.


In the first letter of John, verses 22 and 23, it says, “Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is the Antichrist because he denies God the Father and God the Son. “Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father,” and in the historical setting of John’s writing, the author can only be talking about the Jews. John says in 4:1-3, “Behold, don’t believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see if they come from God, because there are many false prophets in the world.” “By this you will know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that says Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that says Jesus Christ has not come in the flesh is not from God. This is the spirit of antichrist, which you have heard will come, and it is already in the world.” A lot of them are called “Jews” today. Their souls don’t come from God; they come from the devil, who is their own father (John 8:44). John says more about them in 1 John 5:10: “He who believes in the Son of God is a witness to himself; he who doesn’t believe in God has made him a liar, because he doesn’t believe the testimony that God gave about his Son.” The Jews think God is a liar because they don’t believe in Yahshua Christ. Should Christians love Jewish people?


In John’s second letter, the apostle says in verse 7 that those who reject Jesus are the antichrists: “For many deceivers have come into the world, who do not admit that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. So we can see that the Jews are lies, deceivers, and antichrists. In the same letter, verse 9 says, “Whoever sins and doesn’t stay true to Christ’s teaching doesn’t have God.” Whoever stays true to Christ’s teachings has both the Father and the Son. John then goes on to tell his readers how to treat people who don’t believe in Christ (vv. 10 and 11: “If someone comes to you and doesn’t bring this teaching, don’t let him into your home and don’t wish him well. For whoever wishes him well is part of his bad deeds.” To “bid Godspeed” is just an old way of saying “to greet.” So it’s clear that Christians shouldn’t hug Jews or even just say hello to them.


Paul says something similar to 2 John 9–11 in 1 Timothy when he talks about good Christian teaching. 6:3-5: “If anyone teaches differently and doesn’t agree with the words of our Lord Jesus Christ and the doctrine that is right for godliness, he is proud and doesn’t know anything, but he loves questions and arguments about words, from which come envy, strife, railings, evil guesses, and the wrong arguments of people who don’t know the truth but think that money is godliness. Stay away from such people.”


In the first century, the Jews used the Pharisees and Sadducees, which were organised religious groups, to fight against Christianity. Through these groups, they were able to use their power to persuade the Roman authorities to stop it. Even now, Jews continue to fight against Christianity, both through their own claims of religious oppression and through the “secular” groups they have started and run, such as the ACLU and the ADL, which use Christian court systems to attack Christians. Even though these groups want to get rid of Christianity, Christian morals, and Christian ideals, Christians put up with them, talk to them, even give them money, and love the Jews who back them. Paul told Christians, “Don’t let anyone trick you with empty words, because God’s wrath will come upon the children of disobedience because of these things.” Don’t take part in what they do, so… And have nothing to do with the useless things of darkness; instead, tell them what they’re doing wrong” (Eph. 5:6, 7, 11), and “Only talk in a way that fits the message of Christ” (Eph. That you stand firm in one spirit, with one mind, and work together for the faith of the gospel. And that you don’t let your opponents scare you in any way, which is a clear sign of destruction for them but a sign of safety for you and God. For Christ’s sake, it has been given to you not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for his sake” (Phil. 1:27–29). The phrase “token of perdition” shows that these enemies of Christ are the Edomite Jews, who Paul called “vessels of destruction” in Romans 9. Paul talks about them once more at Ph’p. 3:18-19: “For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now I tell you even with tears, the enemies of the cross of Christ: whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who think about earthly things.” These are the “antichrists” of John’s letters. Several lines earlier, at Ph’p. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 3:2, “Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, and beware of the circumcised.” The lines that follow show that by “circumcised,” Paul meant those who practised Judaism and thought men should be circumcised in the flesh.


Not all Jews who became Christians in the first century did so for the right reasons. Rather, they were often spies who tried to change the Gospel. Peter (2 Peter 2) and Jude (4–16) both warned about these things. Paul talks about them once more in Gal. 2:10, he calls them “false brethren brought in by surprise, who came in to spy on our freedom in Christ Yahshua so they could make us slaves.” This is because they tried to force Titus to get circumcision. Paul told the Ephesian elders that after he left, “grievous wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.” This is why John wrote, “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” Everything that is said to be doctrine must be measured against the whole Bible.


These “false brethren” (Gal. 2:5) cared more about getting power over men than about being real Christians. And they went after people they couldn’t change. Paul writes in 1 Thes. 2:14-15 “For you, brothers, became followers of the churches of God that are in Christ Jesus in Judaea: for you also have suffered the same things from your own countrymen, just as they have from the Jews: who both killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they do not please God and are against all men: forbidding us to speak to the nations so that they might be saved, to fill up their sins forever: for the wrat In our country, they do the same thing! Tertullian also says in his Apology (21.25) that the Jews were behind all of the Roman persecutions of Christians. This is shown by the history of the early Christians. But because they couldn’t stop Christianity from the outside, there are many cases in history of Jews who “converted” to Christianity only to later destroy it from the inside with false teachings. The effects of this are still a problem for most “Christian” groups, especially Roman Catholicism, to this day.


Why don’t Christians follow what the New Testament says? Why do they ignore all of these warnings and suggestions and still love the Jews? Because we have made friends with Jews, Western Civilization as a whole is in a very bad way right now. In America, Jews, who have only been here in large numbers for about 130 years, have led us to race unity and a world full of drugs and pornography. Our towns are in ruins, and our economy is always on the edge of falling apart. There is a lot of money supply inflation. Our industrial base, which used to be the best in the world, is going away, and so is our middle class. Most of our technology has been given to our enemies without cost. Jewish Marxist ideas have become the norm in all of our colleges and universities, and they are now at the centre of our political show. If you don’t think that the Jews are really behind all of this, you should look into who runs the big banks, like Goldman-Sachs and Solomon Bros., Morgan Stanley and Citibank, as well as the hedge funds and holding companies, like KKR, which are really just corporate raiders with better PR. Someone needs to look into why so many Jewish people work at the White House, in Congress and on their staffs, and in all of the cabinet offices. Also, Jews own or run all of the biggest media companies, including Disney, Time-Warner, Viacom, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, and many others. Like Judaea at the time of Christ, most of the “upper-crust” of American society is now held by Edomite Jews, who are the devil! Christians are very foolish when they feel sorry for Jews who say they are being persecuted, but at the same time, Jews eat the food of Christians. Paul says that those who “might bring us into slavery” have done so through harsh taxes and laws. Those “who care about earthly things” have gotten all of our earthly things through fraud and lies. When will Christians start acting like they believe what they say they do? Only then can our country and the other White countries around the world that suffer the same way start to get better.





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