Why We Should Care Who the Promises Are Made To


This report, by Pastor Sheldon Emry, discusses who the promises in the Bible are to.

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The main focus of the Bible is Abraham and his descendants, who are called “The children of Israel”. In Genesis 12:2:3, God promises to make of Abraham a great nation, bless him and make his name great, and bless those who bless him and curse those who curse him. Additionally, God promises that in Abraham, all families of the earth will be blessed.

“Heirs of The Promise” provide readers with a key that will unlock the mysteries of the Bible.

Starting with the creation of the world and the first humans, Adam and Eve. It then goes on to cover the major events of the Bible, including the flood, the tower of Babel, and the promises made by God to Abraham and his descendants. This report also explains how the Bible is primarily focused on the children of Israel, and how the promises and covenants made by God are addressed to them.

Sheldon Emry provides readers with a detailed analysis of the Bible’s teachings, including the Law, the doctrines, the warnings, and admonishments. He also explains how the Bible’s teachings are relevant to our lives today, and how we can apply them to our daily lives. Overall, “Heirs of The Promise” is an informative and insightful text that will be of interest to anyone looking to deepen their understanding of the Bible and its teachings.


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