Bible Truths Ministries

Welcome to Bible Truths Ministries where you’ll find biblical truths that are not taught in churches today!

Are you trying to find Bible truths and don’t know where to turn? Have you gone from one church to another only to find water-down sermons? Have been told one thing in church and something tells you inside that something is not right?

Are you discussed with all the cults out there, including those that call themselves Christian?

Maybe you are an atheist or agnostic but you found yourself on this page. You know that there is something more to life than what we are told so you are still searching.

Have you ever wondered, with all the modern forms of communication, the churches today are almost empty and others are closed altogether? You may have thought, if the Bible has the answers, why is society plagued with so much problems that was not even imagined 50 years ago.

Do you have family problems? Do you see your own town becoming more and more dangerous to live in? Are you fed up with government control of every area of your life? Are taxes sky high that you can hardly pay your mortgage or rent?

Have you lost your belief in the God of the Bible that you gave up? You ask, “How can God be love if he allows all this to happen? Does he really care if he exists at all?” you may ask yourself.

If you are like millions of people who ask these questions or have many problems that you face each day, you are not alone.

There is an answer to all of this and I will be glad to tell you if you allow me a few more minutes of your time. I’ll make this as brief as possible.

If you have read the Bible at all, you know from the very beginning of time of deceivers. It all started in the Garden of Eden with the lie that, “…you shall be like gods, knowing good and evil.” Throughout the Old Testaments, we read about false religions, heathen gods, false prophets. This tells us that the worship of the true living God had its infiltrators. When we get to the New Testament, we read Christ’s words that there shall many coming in his name that was not sent; that even now there are many antichirsts; that they would even try to fool the very elect.

There were infiltrators back in Christ’s day and during the life of the Apostles. We were warned of this. Now, do you think that the enemies of God, the enemies of his people stopped infiltrating the churches after the Bible was written? That they stopped anytime in the past? That they stopped in the 21st Century? Of course not!

If you look around you, you have many Christian denominations, including those who call themselves “Christian,” but most people know them to be cults (except those that are members of these churches. The cults are easy to spot, but what about the mainline churches? So, you went to a church in the past, heard some sermons and what happened? Did you go for bread but instead received stones? That’s because the preaching in churches today is water-downed and many of them don’t touch important subjects.

We are told that everything is spiritual. But do you realise that the Bible is 71% civil and only 29% spiritual? In other words, God is concerned about our earthly life, too, and he left us instruction (known as the Holy Bible) on how to live our life here. Unfortunately, the modern-day churches don’t preach on this.

The antichrists, those that are of the devil or doing his work is still with us. And our troubles are not done by spiritual beings but by people of flesh and blood. So, it’s individuals, a select group of the super-rich that are behind our troubles. But all of this was allowed because, centuries ago, our Christian leaders sold out in one way or another to these people. In short, we are responsible for the trouble we have today, too.

Back in 1492, the King and Queen of Spain told the Jews either convert or leave the country. The Jews didn’t know what to do; some left Spain, while others followed the advice of their chief Rabbi in Constantinople to “convert,” become a “crypto-Jew”.

Years later, some Jews got influence (by buying their way) in the Catholic church, they were able to influence the bishops, cardinals and even the Pope, as to church policy. After the Protestant Reformation, though they were right in their doctrine, they, too, were influenced and changed the meaning of many Christian beliefs. Now, just by saying something that offends some people or another religion, you hear words screamed such as: racists, bigots, anti-Semites, etc. Today, just by being accused of this, pastors and priest back off; sermons are changed so as not to offend the “self-chosen ones.”

But we, at Bible Truths Ministries, don’t back off. We preach the word as we understand it.

“Who Do I Believe?”

Many people ask, “Who do I believe?” which is a good question. You deserve a good answer and that is what I will attempt to do with this short review of world events.

First, go to Yahweh, God in prayer, ask in Jesus’ name to be led to Bible truths. Then, let the Holy Spirit guide you.

The first thing you should do is read the King James Bible – the 1611 version. If you don’t have one, buy one or read it online.

There are many reasons to read the KJV Bible, that I won’t go into detail right now. But I will say that many versions of the Bible have come out in the past 100 years. Each version will give their reasons to why it’s printed, such as: easier to read, more accurate, done by scholars, etc. No, the real reason is to deceive!

Think what is says in Revelation, that anyone who adds to this book so shall the plagues of the earth be added unto him; anyone who takes away from this book, so shall his name be taken from the book of life. In other words, what God wrote through the Apostle John, was very, very serious. And the fact that it was written and is part of the Bible means that it will come to pass – and it has – as there are many versions with changed meanings in print today.

Many articles have been written comparing the KJV to other versions of the Bible and the changes are not in using a synonym or modern English, but changes where they took out the word of Christ; where the article was changed from “the” to “a”, when referring to God, which makes a huge difference! But this will have to wait until future articles are posted on this subject. I want to keep this Introduction to Bible Truths Ministries focused.

When you read the King James Version 1611 (as they have new versions of this, too, with changes), read it as if you have no preconceived notions or interpretations. Read it like it was the first time reading the Bible. Don’t worry about not being “politically correct,” just read it as it says.

Don’t worry about not having other Bible reference books such as The Greek Lexicon, Strong’s Concordance and Mathew Henry’s Commentaries on the Bible. While these books are good and if you have them, so much the better, but remember this, these reference books were not around 1,000 of years ago. People were fortunate just to be able to read the Bible, let alone any other parchments.

If there is one additional book you might want to have is an old English dictionary, preferably one about 75 years old or more; or Webster’s Dictionary 1828 edition, which you can read online. The reason why I say this is, that the meaning of some English words has changed. And this is a problem with people who are in cults, such as the Mormons. They use the same words but you are thinking of one meaning and them, another.

When reading any part of the Bible, ask yourself:

Who was this written to?

Who was this written by?

What is the context of this?

Read the verses before and after. See how the keyword in the verse is used the first time in the Bible. With this in mind, you’ll be off to a better start than if you went to your average church.

As you read the articles, listen to the audios and watch the videos, pray about what you just read and ask for guidance. Unlike other groups where they are told by their “Elders” not to read other literature, do as we say, don’t deviate. While we, at Bible Truths Ministries, are not like that. We are not control freaks, we do not shun you if you should disagree, we do not require you give your savings to help the ministry. Free will donations, yes, if you can.

You see, many “churches” use brainwashing techniques, techniques like the Communists use, like the Jim Jones used, but not us. Truth has nothing to fear, nothing to hide.

With this in mind, we pray that you will take the time to read the articles here. As time goes on, more and more will be published.

Finally, the first thing that we recommend that you read is Our Beliefs, then more on from there.

May Yahweh, God guide you in your studies.


Introduction Video

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The Bible can help you find answers for a better life. Here, you can discover how God provides those answers. You can find solutions to your questions and learn why churches don’t teach this scriptural information anymore.